65 Million Businesses & Executives Database
The AtoZdatabases.com database is created using multiple sources to ensure the highest level of accuracy with the maximum coverage available. Our business database is compiled from data sources including thousands of yellow and white page directories, national directory assistance data, annual reports, SEC filings, corporate registers, public records, new business phone numbers, online information, government registrations, legal filings, telephone verification, self reported business information, and business directories. Sources not only contribute to the core coverage of the database but also enhance our business file to ensure you have the most detailed and precise list of businesses available in the industry.
AtoZdatabases achieves comprehensive coverage on 65 million U.S. business and executive listings compiled from sources such as: real estate companies, holding and investment companies, business services, membership organizations, general building contractors, transportation services, forestry, lumber products, agriculture - crop production, and agriculture - livestock production. AtoZdatabases.com also has unique & comprehensive economic entities such as non-store front businesses (e.g. eBay Businesses), d.b.a. / a.k.a. (true franchise ownership), LLCs, shell/holding companies (e.g. Berkshire Hathaway), legal entities (sole proprietorship/partnership/C Corporations), seasonal businesses (e.g. ski resorts), and businesses that may not have phone numbers (New Businesses).
Our multi-sourcing methodology ensures that our data is exceptionally accurate and comprehensive.
The database is continuously compiled and updated on the application monthly.
- 65 Million Businesses & Executives Database
- Jobs Database
- 2 Million NEW Businesses
- 240 Million Residents
- 350,000 New Movers & New Homeowners Added Weekly
- 50,000 NEW Homeowners Added Weekly
- 7.5 Million Healthcare Professionals
- Closed Businesses